
2014-5-11 0:22:22 下载本试卷

七年级英语写作归类       7a

       unit 1 write a profile of yourself.

       1. profile: name, age, age, birth time, birth place

       2. appearance: height, eyes, hair

       3. hobbies: listening to music, reading, playing basketball

       4. future plans: teacher, doctor, programmer, scientist

       unit 2 write an e-mail to you e-friend about your school life.

       1. describe how long you spend at school every day.

       2. describe your favourite activities and reasons.

3. describe what activities you dislike and reasons.

       unit 3 make a poster showing your favourite festival.

       1. which is your favourite festival?

       2. how do people celebrate the festival?

3. why do you like the festival?

       unit 4 write an article about yourself and your diet.

       1. describe yourself. (name, age, hobbies)

       2. describe what you have for breakfast/lunch?

3. describe the importance of drinking water every day.

      unit 5 write an article about your favourite shopping mall.

       1.where is the shopping mall?

       2.what’s the shopping mall made up?

3.what’s your view about the shopping mall?

       unit 6 make a poster about clothes.

       1. style (long, light summer skirt,…)

       2. colour (blue, white, blue with green and white flowers)

       3. material (wool, silk, cotton, leather)

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