
2014-5-20 6:00:18 下载本试卷

高一第二学期英期中考试试题 2001.4


  例:How much is the shirt?

  A.£19.5.   B.£9.15.   C.£9.18



  1.What color is the woman's blouse?

  A.White    B.Blue    C.Red

  2.What does the woman mean?

  A.She must go home now

  B.She will stay a little longer

  C.It is not late

  3.What does the woman mean?

  A.She is not ready

  B.She is ready

  C.She has started

  4.How did Alice go to school?

  A.By bicycle    B.On foot    C.By bus

  5.What kind of weather are they having?

  A.Hot       B.Warm     C.Cold


  6.In which month will the man not be busy?

  A.February     B.March     C.April

  7.What are they planning to do?

  A.To work

  B.To get together

  C.To call a friend


  8.Why did Linda go to London?

  A.She was on holiday

  B.She suddenly fell ill

  C.She had to go and take the place of her manager for three days

  9.What are the two speakers going to do tonight?

  A.To leave for London

  B.To have dinner with a friend

  C.To take the manager's office


  10.What is the most probably relationship between the two speakers?

  A.Friends    B.Strangers    C.Husband and wife

  11.Where did this conversation take place?

  A.On a bus   B.On a train   C.On a plane

  12.Why is the woman traveling?

  A.On holiday  B.On business   C.To give some lectures


  13.What is the topic of the dialogue?

  A.The weather  B.A weekend    C.Life in the county

  14.Where did Alice spend the nights in the country?

  A.In a farmer's house

  B.In a hotel

  C.In the open

  15.What was the weather like in the country?

  A.It was fine and didn't rain once

  B.It was OK, but rained once

  C.It rained every day except for one day

  16.How long did it take Alice to come back from the country?

  A.Half an hour

  B.Four hours

  D.Nine hours


  17.Which of the following did the speakers not order?

  A.Fish      B.Soup        C.Beef

  18.Why did the speakers go to the restaurant?

  A.To have tea   B.To have coffee  C.To have lunch

  19.When did the two speakers go to the restaurant?

  A.At about 1:00 pm

  B.At about 2:00 pm.

  C.At about 3:00 pm

  20.What did George want to do in the end?

  A.To drink some more coffee

  B.To have milk

  C.To have afternoon tea


             Answering sheet     Name_____________











































  1.Why ______ to ask the teacher to help us?

  A.do you go    B.don't go    C.don't you go    D.not going

  2.When they came the fire had already been _______.

  A.Put down    B.put on     C.put up       D.put out

  3.The recorder _______ last week doesn't work now.

  A.that I bought it     B.I bought it

  C.which I bought it     D.I bought

  4.The old painting is ______$2,000 at least.

  A.cost      B.took      C.spent        D.worth

  5.She asked me who _______.

  A.does the house belong to    B.the house belongs to

  C.is the house belonged to    D.the house belonged to

  6.More than three hundred people were working in the building when the fire _______.

  A.was broken out        B.broke out

  C.had been broken out     D.was happened

  7.They told me that they _____ for four years.

  A.had been married       B.had married

  C.have been married      D.have married

  8.July is the month _____the weather is usually the hottest.

  A.at when     B.in which     C.which     D.where

  9.Is this the place ________last year?

  A.which you came        B.where you visited

  C.you called on        D.you called at

  10.More and more nature parks ______ to protect wild animals and plants in the future.

  A.are being set up       B.will set up

  C.will be set up        D.are going to set up

  11.Those ______ English are excellent will be chosen to take part in the English competition.

  A.whom      B.who     C.whose     D.which

  12.It's time for you to ______ your things; we are leaving in five minutes.

  A.leave     B.bring    C.carry     D.which

  13.Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up ______ I could answer the phone.

  A.as       B.since    C.until     D.before

  14.The students _____busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she _____ in the office.

  A.had written; left       B.were writing; has left

  C.had written; had left     D.were writing; had left

  15.—Have you moved into your new house?

  —Not yet. It ______ now.

  A.is painting          B.has been painted

  C.is being painted        D.is painted





  Roger Scott worked as a salesman in a big store. Like a lot of ___16___ young people, he did not ___17___ his job very much. One day he ___18___ in the canteen (小卖部) of the store with his girl friend, Anne Davis. She worked there, too. "I'm going to find another job as soon as I ___19___," He said. "The pay isn't very good ___20___ the work is not very interesting, either. The problem ___21___ it is that I have to take orders from people like Mr Kean!" Mr Kean was the manager of the store. Everybody was ___22___ afraid of him. He often walked around the store and always got very angry if he saw ___23___ who was not working. Sometimes there was really ___24___work to do but people still ___25___ to be busy.

  While Roger was talking, Anne looked up and saw Mr Kean ___26___ into the canteen. Roger was sitting near the door and Mr Kean was ___27___ him. He could hear every ___28___ Roger was saying. Anne did not know ___29___ to do.

  "I don't think Mr Kean is even a very good ___30___," Roger Scott continued loudly. "___31___ a man is a good manager, the people who work for him like the work. I'm ___32___ everyone here hates him! ___33___ I do!"

  Anne saw Mr Kean come ___34___. There was the ___35___ look on his face.

  16.A.other    B.others     C.an other      D.another

  17.A.like    B.think     C.want        D.hate

  18.A.had sat   B.was sitting  C.did sit      D.has sat

  19.A.can     B.possible    C.may        D.must

  20.A.and     B.but      C.or         D.yet

  21.A.over    B.to       C.about       D.with

  22.A.a few    B.some      C.a bit       D.lots

  23.A.someone   B.people     C.nobody       D.person

  24.A.not     B.no       C.without      D.having

  25.A.felt    B.started    C.pretended     D.looked

  26.A.comes    B.come      C.to come      D.has come

  27.A.before   B.back      C.behind       D.beside

  28.A.word    B.letter     C.voice       D.news

  29.A.which    B.how      C.when        D.what

  30.A.man     B.worker     C.salesman      D.manager

  31.A.Although  B.Even      C.If         D.Because

  32.A.sure    B.glad      C.angry       D.surprised

  33.A.At most   B.By the way   C.As a result of   D.At least

  34.A.suddenly  B.finally    C.closer       D.over

  35.A.just    B.exact     C.same        D.good





  O.Henry was a pen name used by an American writer of short stories. His real name was William Sydney Porter. He was born in North Carolina in 1862. As a young boy he lived an exciting life. He did not go to school for very long, but he managed to teach himself everything he needed to know. When he was about 20 years old, O. Henry went to Texas, where he tried different jobs. He first worked on a newspaper, and then had a job in a bank. When some money went missing from the bank, O. Henry was believed to have stolen it. Because of that, he was sent to prison. (监狱) During the three years in prison, he learned to write short stories. After he got out of prison, he went to New York and continued writing. He wrote mainly about New York and the life of the poor there. People liked his stories because, though the stories were simple, they would finish with a sudden change at the end, to the reader's surprise.

  36.In which order did O. Henry do the following things?

  a.lived in New York

  b.worked in bank

  c.travelled to Texas

  d.was put in prison

  e.had a newspaper job

  f.learned to write stories

  A.e,c,f,b,d,a   B.c,e,b,d,f,a   C.e,b,d,c,a,f   D.c,b,e,d,a,f

  37.People enjoyed reading O. Henry's stories because ________.

  A.they had surprising endings

  B.they were easy to understand

  C.they showed his love for the poor

  D.they were about New York City

  38.O. Henry went to prison because _______.

  A.people thought he had stolen money from the newspaper

  B.he broke the law by not using his own name

  C.he wanted to write stories about prisoners

  D.people thought he had taken money that was not his

  39.What do we know about O. Henry before he began writing?

  A.He was well-educated

  B.He was loved by the poor

  C.He was loved by the poor

  D.He was very good at learning

  40.Where did O. Henry get most material for his short stories?

  A.His life inside the prison

  B.The newspaper articles he wrote

  C.The city and people of New York

  D.His exciting early life as a boy



  Different countries and different people have different manners. (仪态) We must find out their customs (风俗), so that they will not think us ill-mannered. Here are some examples of the things that a well-mannered person does or does not do.

  If you visit a Chinese family, you should knock at the door first. When the door opens, you will not move before the host (主人) says "Come in, please." After you go into the room, you wouldn't sit down until the host asks you to take a seat. When a cup of tea is put on a tea table before you or send to your hand, you'll say "Thank you" and receive it with your two hands, not one hand, or they will think you ill-mannered. Before entering a house in Japan, it's good to take off your shoes. In European countries, even though shoes sometimes become very dirty, this is not done. In a Malay house, a guest never finishes the food on the table. He leaves a little to show that he has had enough. In England, a guest always finishes a drink or the food to show that he has enjoyed it. This will make the host very happy.

  41.We must find out what the different manners are in different countries so that _______.

  A.we wouldn't be thought in poor health

  B.they won't think we are ill

  C.we can know what to do and what not to do when we go there

  D.we can give some examples

  42.In China, when the host opens the door, ______ before he says "Come in, please."

  A.you won't leave

  B.you won't walk

  C.you won't stand in front of him

  D.you won't get in

  43.In Japan, it's good manners to take off your shoes _______.

  A.before your host enters your house

  B.before you enter your host's house

  C.before you visit a family

  D.before you sit down and receive a cup of tea

  44.In European countries, ______ when you get into a house.

  A.you needn't take off your shoes

  B.you must take off your dirty shoes

  C.you are not allowed to wear dirty shoes

  D.you should put on clean shoes

  45.In a Malay house, a guest leaves a little food ______.

  A.to show that he has enjoyed it

  B.to show that he can't have any more

  C.to show that he is not hungry at all

  D.to show that he needs some drink



  LMDALE, California---Twelve-year-old Paul Grossnickle has lived as a hero for six years now. It wasn't until he wrote a composition for a recent language class, however, that he got the honor he should get.

  On July 27, 1991, Paul saved his three-year-old sister Julie from the family swimming pool. When he found her, he jumped in, got her off the bottom and brought her up.

  Their father was trying to make Julie come to (苏醒) when firefighters arrived. She was saved without serious hurt.

  Last month, in Paul's seventh-grade language class at his school, teacher Liliana Mauro asked students to write about an important event (事件) in their lives. Paul wrote about saving Julie.

  "He was a little bit disappointed he was never recognized for what he has done," Headmaster Esmeralda Mondragon said. "Mrs Mauro got in touch with the fire Department and looked into what they could do for him."

  The school held a meeting for their teachers and 200 pupils and surprised Paul. Firefighters from the city fire station joined Assistant fire Chief Dave Horn and Palmdale city officials who gave Paul a medal that recognized him "for his heroic efforts (英通的努力) stopping a needless loss of life in an accident."

  Paul's parents, Alan and Kathy Crossnickle, were there together with Julie.

  "Paul's story was one of success… and his sister was able to survive with all her natural power of body," fire Captain Steve Valenzuela said. "This should cause everybody to remember that because of Paul's quick action, knowing to get his sister out of the pool and calling 911 and beginning CPR (人工呼吸) probably saved her life."

  46.When he saved his sister Paul Grossnickle was _______.

  A.three years old     B.twelve years old

  C.six years old      D.eight years old

  47.Paul's sister was saved just because of his quick action, including _______.

  A.getting his sister off the bottom, brought her up and telling his father about it

  B.getting his sister off the bottom, brought her up and sending for the firefighters

  C.jumping in, getting his sister off the bottom and brought her up

  D.getting his sister out of the pool, calling 911 and beginning CPR

  48.The fire department learned about the unsung hero because _______.

  A.Mauro asked students to write about an important event in their lives

  B.Paul wrote about how he saved his sister

  C.the school held a meeting for their teachers and pupils

  D.Paul's teacher told the Fire Department about his unrecognized act of heroism

  49.The underlined word 'survive' in the text means ________.

  A.hold her breath (呼吸) in the water

  B.live after an accident

  C.get on well with her brother

  D.be successful in doing so

  50.From the text it can be inferred (推断) that _______.

  A.young hero can hardly be recognized

  B.Paul's sister is now eight years old

  C.all the people went to have the meeting except Paul

  D.firefighters along with their captain went to the meeting



  51.Ap_______ is a person who is ill.           51____________

  52.There are seven ________ (工程师) in our factory.   52____________

  53.You're so fat that you should lose some w_______.   53____________

  54.The house was c________ destroyed in the big fire.  54____________

  55.Tigers in the world are _______ (消失) now.      55____________

  56.Everyone agreed with his _______ (决定).       56____________

  57.Don't let anyone know about it. Keep it as as_______. 57____________

  58.The weather of Beijing is quite d ______ from that of Shanghai.


  59.Her husband used to work in a ______ (政府) office.


  60.The number of Milu deer in China has greatly _____ (增加) these years.








  Mike grows nicest vegetables and flowers in the     61____________

village. Things grew in his garden all through the year   62____________

and they grow more better there than in any other      63____________

garden. He sells most of it in the market. His vegetables  64____________

and flowers are very nice that they are sold much more   65____________

quickly than those of the other villagers.         66____________

  How does he grow these things? He works hardly     67____________

in the garden. What's more, he turns off his radio in the  68____________

garden. He knows that music makes plants to grow       69____________

better. They love music as much like people do.       70____________



  根据下列问题和括号里的提示词,写一篇意思连贯的短文,使用恰当的连词,如:and, but等。

  1.Where and when are you and your classmates going for a spring outing? (the Summer Palace/May 1st)

  2.When and where will you meet? (7:00/the school gate)

  3.When will you start? (8:00)

  4.How are you going there? (by bus)

  5.What will you do there? (climb the hill first/have a picnic lunch at the top/in the afternoon/ boat/ take pictures)

  6.When will you start to go back? (5:00)

  7.How will you feel? (tired/ happy)


  We are going to have seven days for the International Labor Day…