
2014-5-11 0:21:40 下载本试卷


5A第一单元单词 Name_______

toilet厕所   garden 花园    in the garden  在花园里

table桌子    tennis网球     table tennis 乒乓球

room  房间   a table tennis room 乒乓室    

reading 阅读     a reading room阅览室

swing 秋千   slide 滑梯  

first 第一     day 天    the first day第一天

term 学期     new term  新学期

the first day of the new term新学期的第一天

all 所有     all the students 所有的学生

back回     back at school回到学校 

each other互相     happy 高兴 

see each other again  又相互见面了

building 大楼     in the building在大楼里

sure肯定       a lot of 许多

house 房子   flower花   go and play there去那里玩

street街道       in the street在街道上

some一些(用在肯定句里)There are some rooms in the building.

any 任何,一些(用在疑问句里)Are there any rooms in the building?

5A用there be的正确形式填空。Name__________

1.___________ a carton of juice in the fridge.

2.___________many students in our classroom.

3.___________ some doctors in the hospital.

4. ___________dog in the garden? Yes,__________

5.___________any boys in the school bus? Yes,___________

6.___________no milk in the bottle now.

7.__________ some new storybooks over there.

8.. How many flowers ____________in the vase ?

9. Excuse me, ___________a study in your house ?

10. __________ eight windows in our classroom.

11. How many people (人)__________in your family?

12. ___________a slide in your school? No,__________

13. ___________ some rice in the bowl.

14. __________ an apple and some pears on the table.

15.___________some apples and a pear on the table.

16. __________ some milk and some water in the bottle.

17. ___________ two beds in the room? No,___________

18. What’s in the tree? ___________some birds in it .

 5A-1英语 练习卷   (2)  Name______  


厕所 ________花园 ________秋千_________滑梯 _________

学期_________高兴________大楼 _________肯定 __________

房子 __________花 _________任何________街道__________



回到学校_________________所有的学生 ______________



look at each other_____a lot of rooms_____

go and have alook_____near your house___

how many flowers_______in the street____

用 there is 或 there are 填空

1.__________a plate on the table.

2.____________some dogs  near the tree.

3.________a TV in your classroom? Yes,______

4.________any pandas near your home ?No,__

5________a chair in the classroom? Yes,___

6________any trees in the park? No,_________

5A-1英语 练习卷 (3)  Name_________


1. near, a, are, the, park, there, lot, buildings, of(.)(连词成句)


2. shall, to, the, go, reading, we, room(?)(连词成句)


3. there, this, many, rooms, in, how, building, are(?)(连词成句)


4. the, at, us, and, blackboard, boys, look, let, girls(.)(连词成句)


5. back, the, are, school, students, at, all(.)(连词成句)


6. There are twenty-four rooms in the building. (对划线部分提问)


7. There are some books on the desk. (改为一般疑问句,作肯定、否定回答)


(把第七题改为否定句)                             __

8. There are some swings in the park. (对划线部分提问)


9. There is a dog in the basket. (对划线部分提问)





bed 床      sofa 沙发    telephone电话    

lamp 灯     on在…..上    in 在…..里     

under在…下         under the bed在床下     

behind 在……后    behind the door 在门后

near在……附近       near my bed在我的床附近


live 住         live in a new house住在新房子里     

very much非常  now现在  bedroom 卧室     

bathroom洗澡间       study书房      

kitchen厨房         dining-room餐厅

large很大           sitting-room客厅     

wall墙            on the wall在墙上    

world世界          map 地图

a map of the world一张世界地图

a map of China 一张中国地图

mouse老鼠    in the cat’s mouth在猫的嘴里  

   5A第二单元练习 (1)   Name________

1 用英语写出下列单词和词

父母亲 ___________ 卧室_____________浴室_________ 书房____________
在墙上 ___________________非常_____________________________
一张中国地图 _______________一张世界地图_______________________
住在无锡 ___________________住在北京___________________________
2. 根据情景编对话














 5A第二单元练习 (2)   Name________
1.   live, new, her, and, in, parents, YangLing, house, now, a(.)(连词成句)
2.new, they, very, like, the, much, house(.)(连词成句)
3.There’s a desk near my bed.(对划线部分提问)
4.There are four apples on the table.(对划线部分提问)
5.There’s a football under the bed.(改成疑问句,并回答Yes)
6.Let’s go and see.(同意句)
7.There are some cars in the street.(改成疑问句,并回答No)
8.I like pianos.(对划线部分提问)
9.There are some pictures on the wall.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

10.There are forty-five students in our classroom.(对划线部分提问)

5A第二单元练习 (3)   Name________
1.   Where do Yang Ling and her parents live?
2.   Is it near her school?
3.   Do they like it very much?
4.   Is Yang Ling’s new house big?
5.   How many bedrooms are there in the new house?
6.   Is there a garden ?
7.   Is there a desk in Yang Ling’s bedroom?
8.   What’s near the desk?
9.   What’s on the wall?
10. How many dolls are there on Yang Ling’s bed?

5A第三单元单词     name_______
sing  唱歌  dance 跳舞   swim  游泳

skate  滑冰   ski  滑雪   

make 制作 puppet 木偶  make a puppet 制作木偶     

model  模型 plane飞机  a model plane飞机模型

make a model plane 制作飞机模型  

play 弹   guitar 吉他   play the guitar  弹吉他 

violin  小提琴      play the violin   拉小提琴

o’clock ……点钟       afternoon 下午

in the afternoon 在下午

lesson 课        have a lesson 上课

have a Music lesson  上音乐课    

have an English lesson 上英语课    

do  做,干 song  歌  sing a song 唱只歌

can 能,会    can’t   不能   start 开始    

learn  学    follow  跟随

follow me 跟我学    together  一起    

ride  骑    ride a bike 骑自行车

listen 听   listen to the song  听这只歌

put  放  put a book on your head 把书放在你的头上

find 找到  him 他(宾格)     find him 找到他

5A Unit Three  Exercise(1)Name_________


弹吉他 ________________拉小提琴______________________
三点钟 ________________上课__________________________
唱支歌 ________________跟我学 _______________________

1.What is your name ?___________________________ .

2 How old are you ?______________________________
3.Are you a student ?______________________________
4.Is there a computer in your home ?________________________

5.Is there a TV in your classroom ?_________________________

6.Are there any maps on the wall ?__________________________

7.Are there any flowers in your classroom?___________________

8.Can you put flowers in your classroom?_____________________

9.Can your English teacher dance?___________________________
10.Can you sing ?________________________________
11. Can you make a doll?____________________________
12.What can you do ?_____________________________
13.What can your mother do ?_____________________________

14.Can your grandfather ride a bike ?_______________________

5A Unit Three (2)Name___

1.   There is a piano in the music room.(Yes)


2.   There are some students in the classroom.(Yes)


3.   I am an English teacher.(No)


4.   They are behind the sofa.(No)


5.   Mike is in the bedroom.(Yes)


6.   We are in the large sitting-room.(No)


7.   I can sing and dance.(Yes)


8.   Miss Li can play the violin.(Yes)


9.   Helen can make a puppet.(No)


10. The bots can make a model plane.(Yes)


11. There is a reading room in the building.(No)


12. There are some flowers in the garden.(No)


5A Unit Four单词     name_______

mask 面具    vase 花瓶       pumpkin 南瓜     

chicken 鸡    duck 鸭      horse 马     

pig  猪      family 家庭     buy 买   

things 东西         buy things  买东西

Halloween 万圣节     party   聚会   

need   需要       tomorrow  明天

lantern   灯笼      then 那么

else别的           change  找头,零钱

work  工作       

swimming  游泳       like swimming喜欢游泳   

evening  晚上     in the evening  在晚上

Saturday 星期六       on Saturdays 在星期六  

Sunday  星期天        on Sundays 在星期日

cook做饭          like cooking 喜欢做饭

listen to music听音乐  like listening to music  喜欢听音乐
play table tennis 打乒乓

with our friends 和我们的朋友一起

5A   Unit Four 练习(1) name_______
1喜欢面具____________ 2喜欢南瓜灯笼__________
3喜欢唱歌 ____________4喜欢游泳______________
5鸡和鸭 ______________6马和猪________________
1.I like chocolate.___________________
2.I can make a lantern.______________
3.We like playing table tennis.________
4.They can play the violin.___________
5.I am a teacher.___________________
6.He is a student.__________________
7.There are some flowers in the vase._______
1.Are you a teacher?______________
2.Do you like English?____________
3.Can you play the piano?_________
4.Do you like drawing?____________
5.Is there a map in your classroom?________
6.Are there any masks on the wall?________
7.What’s in your desk?_____________
8.What do you like?_______________
9.What can you do?_______________

stand  站立   sit  坐   sleep  睡觉
jump  跳    run  跑   walk  走路
sweep 扫     floor地板   
sweep the floor 扫地  
clean  擦,打扫      window  窗
clean the window  擦窗
clean the classroom   打扫教室
wash  洗      clothes 衣服     
wash clothes  洗衣服  
morning  早晨,上午     ring  铃响
home 家        at home在家
housework 家务劳动   do housework 做家务劳动     
homework 家庭作业   do… homework 做家庭作业
free空闲            Maths 数学
help 帮助         help me帮助我    
come and help me  来帮助我
help me with my Maths  帮助我的数学
help me with my English  帮助我的英语
afternoon  下午 this afternoon  今天下午

stand_________ sleep_________ jump_________ walk_________
clean_________ wash_________ do____________ go__________
listen_________ read_________ play __________sing__________
have_________ write_________ come_________ dance_________
skate_________ make________ ride__________
sit___________ run__________ swim_________
1.(do doing)
What can you_______? What are you _________?
2.(clean cleaning)
I can _________the windows. I am __________the classroom now. I like ________
3.(make making)
We can _________a model plane. We are__________a model plane.
4.(run running)
They can _______. They are __________. They like___________
 _______you like animals? Yes, I ________
 What are you _________? I am ________ my homework.
My sister likes __________. She can _________well.
Now she is ___________
Her parents can _______.They like ___________
They are ___________now.

stand___________ sleep____________ jump___________ swim___________
clean____________ wash___________ do______________ go____________
listen___________ play ____________sing____________ run___________
have____________ write___________ come___________ dance_________
skate____________ make__________ ride____________ sit___________
1.    扫地 ____________ 2.洗衣服____________
2.  擦窗户________________4. 擦玩具____________
5.读一本故事书 ________________6.一本图画书____________
1.(do doing) What can you_______?  What are you _________?
2.(clean cleaning) I can _________the windows.
I am __________the classroom now. I like ________
3.(make making) We can _________a model plane.
We are__________a model plane.
4.(run running) They can _______.
They are __________. They like_______
1.(do)  _______you like animals? Yes, I ________
    What are you _________? I am ________ my homework.
2.(dance) My sister likes __________. She can _________well.
Now she is ___________
3.(swim) Her parents can _______.
They like ___________.They are __________now.
1.    I’m making a model plane.(提问)_____________
2.    John is sleeping.(改为一般疑问句)__________________________________
3.    Tom is drawing a picture.(提问)
4.    We are cleaning the library.(改为否定句)________________________________
5.    She is listening to music. (提问)_______________________________________
6.    翻译:我们把书放在床上吧.

5A第六单元练习(2)Name________ Class______ No.___
一.   选择填空:
(  )1.It is _____ Sunday evening.  A. / B. at C. in
(  )2. What ______ Nancy and Helen doing? A. is B. are C. am
(  )3. How ______ this one? A. many B. much C. about
(  )4. ----______ you like swimming? --- Yes, I do .  A. Can B. Do  C. Are
(  ) 5. ---What ____ you do? ---I can dance.   A. can B. do C. are
(  ) 6.Tom, can you come and help me _____ my English? A. at  B. in C. with
(  )7. Look , Jim is _____ in the playground. A, running B. run C. runing
(  )8. I _____ free now. I can go to the park with you. A. can B./ C. am
(  )9.----- What’s SuYang doing? ---_________.

She is singing. B. She is a student.  C. She can sing.
(  ) 10. Let’s _____the jacket on the bed. A. washing B. put C. do
二.   将下列对话补充完整.注意时态.(正在进行时构成:be+动词的现在分词)
Today is Sunday. Some students _____________ (play) in the park. Look ,YangLing ____________ (skate). WangBing ______________ (run). David and LiDong ____________(play ) football. Betty and Mary _____________ (dance).Let’s go and jion(加入) them.
三.   词组:
1. 做家务 ____________ 2.做家庭作业___________
1.    ….怎么样? _________________ 4. 帮助他__________________
2.    帮助我数学__________________6.今天下午 _________________
7.做个蛋糕 ________________ 8. 听音乐________________
四.   翻译句子
1. 现在是星期六下午. ______________________
我的父母在做家务. ____________ ___
2. 他在做什么? _______________________
他在做他的家庭作业. __________________
3.    你能来帮助我数学吗? _________________________
4.    今天晚上怎么样? ______________
5.    苏海呢? _________________
她在做什么? __ ________________
她在家跳舞. _______________________
6.    他会游泳吗?__________________
7.    看,他正在游泳._______________________

5A 第七单元单词Name_____
newspaper 报纸     read a newspaper  看报纸
magazine  杂志     read a magazine   看杂志
picture 图画        read a picture book 看图画书
chess  棋       play chess   下棋
card   牌       play cards   打牌
a yo-yo 溜溜球   play with a yo-yo玩溜溜球
over  结束,完了   look for  找,寻找
basketball  篮球    play basketball 打篮球
perhaps  也许  join  加入   them   他们
join them 加入他们 
go and join them去加入他们

go to the playground 到操场上去
go to the library 到图书馆去   
study  学习
study in the library    在图书馆学习
clean the library      打扫图书馆
food 食物    cry 哭    laugh笑



1.What time is it?

2.What is Gao Shan doing?

3.Is Wang Bing helping Miss Gao?

4.Where is Wang Bing?

5.What is Wang Bing doing?

6.Where is Gao Shan going?

7.Is Helen going to the playground,too?

8.Where is Helen going?

9.Whereare Su Hai and Su Yang?

10What are they doing?


1.The students_______(正在上英语课)

2.Some girls________(正在跳舞)


4.My mother__________(正在做家务)




8._______the boys________(正在打篮球吗)

9._______his brother_______(会下棋吗)


Fill in the blank with “ have, has ”
1. I_________ a nice puppet.
2. He_________a good friend.
3. They__________ some masks.
4. We___________some flowers.
5. She___________ a duck.
6. My father____________ a new bike.
7. Her mother___________a vase.
8. Our teacher_________ an English book.
9.      Our teachers___________a basketball.
10.   Their parents___________some blankets
11.   Nancy_________many skirts.
12.   David__________some jackets.
13.   My friends__________a football.
14.   What do you__________?I_______a new toy.
15.   What does Mike__________? He_______a model
16.   What do your friends___________? They_______a TV.
17.   What does Helen___________? She______an apple.
18.   His brother________a basketball.
19.   Her sister_________a nice doll.
20.  Miss Li__________an English book.

1.The teachers _______________ (sing) in the office.
2._______ you like _________?(horse)   3. I like ___________( dance).
4.They often help ________ (he) with ________ (he) English?
5. ________ she _________ (cook) now?
1.    Don’t ________ (play) cards in the room.
2.    Let’s _______ (have) a look at it.
3.    Can Nancy________ (skate)? Yes, she can. Look, she _______________ (skate).
4.    He is right. But she is _________ (right)
5.    How many ________ (class) are there in your school?
6.    There ______ (be) some juice in the bottle. There _______(be)some flowers beside the bottle.
7.    That large room is __________ (my parents)
8.    I _______ (not like) dogs. ________ (not put) the dog in the bedroom.
9.    Where are you ______________ (go)? Don’t _____ (sit) on the ball.
10.  I’d like _________ (buy) a magazine. Do you like _________ (play chess)
1.________________ are you going? I’m going to the park.
2. ________________ is the ruler? Two Yuan.
3. ________________ you watching TV? No, I’m not.
4.________________ is jumping under the tree.
5. ________________ you like swimming? Yes, I do.
6. _______________ birds can you see? Fifteen.
7.    ___________ lanterns do you like? I like rabbit lanterns.
8.____________ are you, Ben? I’m here.
1.读报 __________________  2. 读一本图画书__________________
3.读一本杂志__________________   4.下棋__________________
1.    玩牌__________________  6.玩溜溜球__________________
2.    做风筝 __________________ 8.坐在足球上__________________
9.她正在做她的家庭作业. ______________________________________________
1.    他们在教室里读英语. ______________________
2.    你能来帮助我们学英语吗? _____________________________________________
3.    麦克正在做模型汽车. ______________________________________
4.    不要擦窗户. __________________________________