
2014-5-11 0:21:40 下载本试卷


姓名_____________  班级_____________ 学号___________


一、Listen and judge 听音判断,正确用“T”,错误用“F”(8%)

  1. (  )    2. (  )     3. (  )    4. (  )





  5. (  )    6. (  )     7. (  )    8. (  )

二、Listen and choose根据问句选答句。(8%)

1.(  )A.This is Mary speaking.   B. I’m Mary.

     C. Yes, I am.

2. (  )A.We have Chinese and PE.  B. It’s interesting.

     C. I like Chinese.

3.(  )A.It’s March.        B. It’s tuesday.

     C. It’s Thursday.

4.(  )A.Yes, I do.         B. No, I don’t.

     C. Yes, I am.

5.(  )A.She’s got a headache.

     B. She has got a earache.

     C. She feels a headache.

三、Listen and write听录音,填空。(14%)

  Today is ________. In Class 2, Grade 5, everyone is here. But David is____________. He_______ got a ________ ___________.There are four ________ in the morning and one in the _____________.

Classes are _________, Mike calls David. David feels better. He doesn’t know the homework. So Mike goes to tell him and ________ some ________ for him, too.



1. do(第三人称单数)__________     2. listen (近义词) __________

3. they(所有格)     __________    4. hot(反意词)      __________

5. take(现在分词)   __________    6. she(宾格)        __________

7. class(复数形式)   __________    8. good (比较级)   __________

9.plus(反意词)   ___________ 10. right(反意词)  __________


A: Welcome b________ to school, Ben.

B: Nice to m________ you, Mr Green.

A: There is a n__________ subject this t_______, do you know?

B: Yes. It’s S________ S________.

A: Do you l________ it?

B: Yes, it’s an i_________ s_________.

A: What time do you h________ this lesson? On M________?

B: No. It’s on F________.


1. How many Art lessons do you have ________ a week?

2. We have a Computer Studies lesson ________ Friday.

3. Draw some flowers ________ the paper.

4. She goes to school ________ seven o’clock.

5. Can you come and help me ________ my Maths?

6. Here’s a new copybook ________ Nancy.

7. May I speak_______ Nancy?

8. Boys and girls, this is the first day ________ the new term.


1. 这学期  ___________________  2. 在星期一早晨 ________________

3. 第一节课 __________________  4. 午饭后 ______________________

5. 立即、马上 ________________  6. 两个星期 ____________________

7. 转好 ______________________  8. 吃药 ________________________

9. 告诉我_____________________  10. 呆在床上____________________


(  )1.Look at ___________ numbers.

A. these.   B. this   C. that

(  )2. We have five _______________ a week.

A. English lesson.  B. Englishes lessons  C. English lessons

(  )3.Open your_________ and _______ “Ah”.

A. mouth, say.   B. mouse, say   C. mouth, speak

(  )4. --What’s 531 ________200?     --It’s 731.

A. pluses.   B. minus   C. plus

(  )5. Take___________medicine and have________rest.

A. some, a lot .   B. some, a lot of  C. any, a lot

(  )6. --________ that in the basket?   --A basketball

A. Where’s.   B. Whose   C. What’s

(  )7. --What lessons ______ Mary have in the morning?

--She ________ two English lessons and two Chinese lessons.

A. does, has.   B. do, have   C. does, have

(  )8. __________ any medicine near the cup?

A. There are.   B. Are there   C. Is there

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1. I have Chinese,English and Art in the morning. (改为第三人称单数形式)


2. There are four English lessons in a week.( 对划线部分提问)


3. I feel ill.(根据答句,写问句)


4. There are some English lessons today.(改为一般疑问句)


5. I’ve got a bad cough.(对划线部分提问)


七、阅读理解,选择. (7%)


  Jane is a schoolgirl. She is fifteen. She lives with her parents and her grandfather. Her grandfather is seventy years old. He has got a backache. He needs to see a doctor. But Jane’s parents are very busy. Her father is a policeman. Her mother is a teacher. So Jane wants to go to hospital with her grandfather after school. She hopes her grandfather gets better soon.

(  )1. What’s Jane’s job?

A. A teacher           B. A policewoman       C. A student

(  )2. --What’s wrong with her grandfather? --He’s got _____.

     A. a toothache         B. a backache           C. an earache

(  )3. Who needs to see a doctor?

     A. Jane           B. Jane’s parents        C. Jane’s grandfather


Liu Tao: Hi, Mike. Nice to see you.

Mike: Nice to see you, too. Liu Tao.

Liu Tao: What day is it today?

Mike: It’s Thursday. What lessons do you have in this morning?

Liu Tao: We have Maths, Chinese, Art, and Science.

Mike: Oh, I like PE very much. But we don’t have PE today.

Liu Tao: We have PE and Computer Studies this afternoon.

Mike: Great! Do you like PE?

Liu Tao: No, I don’t. I like English very much. Tomorrow we will have an English lesson in the morning.

Mike: It’s time for class. Let’s go!


(  )1. Liu Tao has PE in the afternoon.  

(  )2. Liu Tao has six lessons today.

(  )3. Liu Tao doesn’t like English.

(  )4. Liu Tao will have English lesson on Friday morning.