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Unit 1

一、 听录音,标号(听两遍)

1  A: What lessons do you have on Monday?

 B: I have Maths, Chinese, PE and Science.

2  A: What lessons do you have on Wednesday?

   B: I have Maths, English, Art and Social Science.

3 A: What lessons do you have on Friday?

   B: I have Chinese, Computer Studies, Art and Maths.

4  A: What lessons do you have today?

   B: I have Science, Chinese, Maths and PE. Oh, time to have lessons. I must go now.

5 A: What lessons do we have in the morning? Can you tell me?

    B: OK. We have Maths, Science, English and Computer Studies.43251

二、 听录音,完成下列表格(听两遍)

A:  Glad to see you, Gao Shang.

B: Glad to see you, Wang Bing.

A:  Do you have any new subjects this term?

B: Yes, we have Science this term.

A:  How many Science lessons do you have in a week?

B: Three.

A:  What subject do you like?

B:  I like English. We have four English lessons in a week.

A:  Do you like Chinese?

B:  Yes, I do. We have six Chinese lessons in a week. How about you?

A:  I like Computer Studies. It’s interesting. We have two in a week. I hope we have more.

B:  Me too.


How many?


three / 3


four / 4


six / 6

Computer Studies

two / 2

Read and find out whether the sound of underlined parts are same or not, write an S if they are same, write a D if they are different判断下列每组单词中划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写“S” ,不相同的写“D”

( DS  DS  DD  SS DD)

四、Translate the phrases 英汉互译(略)

五、Complete the dialogue according to the timetable 根据课程表,完成对话

1. Eight. / I have eight lessons this term.

2. No, I don’t.

3. I have Chinese, Maths, Social science and Music.

4. Yes, I do.

5. Six. / I have six Chinese lessons in a week.



二、There’s a mistake in each sentence, circle it and then correct it in the blank 圈出句中的一处错误并改正

1. at home  2. mother’s  3. Let her  4. are both  5. go there

三、Answer the questions in English用英语回答问题

1. A mirror.  2. Shoes.  3.The first two letters are different. 

4. A computer. 5. A plane   6. Seven   7. a bee   8. tea   9. Chinese

10. None/0

Unit 2

一、 Listen and choose the word which belongs to the same category with the word you hear 听录音,选出与所听单词同类的词

1 breakfast  2 Science  3 earache  4  hear   5  Wednesday  6 doctor

 (B C C  B A D)

二、Listen and complete the dialogue 听录音,完成下列对话

A:  Hello, is that Nancy?

B: Yes, this is Nancy speaking. Who’s that?

A:  This is Leo. Are you free this afternoon, Nancy? Shall we go to the reading room?

B: Sorry, I can’t.

A:  What’s wrong with you?

B: I’m ill. I’ve got a bad cold.

A:  Are you taking any medicine?

B: Yes.

A: Drink a lot of water and have a rest.

B: Thank you. See you

A:  See you.

三、Rewrite the words according to the instructions 按要求写出下列单词

1.    running 2.children 3. I have 4. right 5. hot 6. aren’t 7. match

  8. right  9. taking 10. a lot of

四、Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words用所给词的适当形式填空

1.    speaking  2. got  3. have  4. taking any  5. does likes 

6. There is  7. matches tins

五、Look at the pictures and complete the dialogue看图,完成对话

1.    wrong  got a cough  sorry  get

2.    have  don’t want to  What’s the matter  toothache

3.    do you feel  feel  Take  have


一、Match the proverbs 试将中英文配对


B.   (CEA  BFD)

二、Write down the names of five gingers写出五个手指头的英文名

1. thumb 2. index finger 3. middle finger 4. ring finger 5. little finger

三、Complete the word in the sentences according to the context and the given alphabet 根据单词首字母和句子意思,将句中的单词补充完整

1. favourite 2. turn off 3. take off; put on 4. break 5.hospital 6. clock 7. Excuse 8. watch 9. strawberries 10. school; Saturdays; Sundays 11. telephone 12. family

Unit 3

一、Listen and circle 圈出你所听到的图片

1  A:  Do you have any hobbies?

   B:  Yes, I do. I like growing flowers. Do you like growing flowers?

   A:  No, I don’t. I like collecting stamps.

2  A:  Hello, Jack.

   B:  Hello, Wang Tao.

   A:  Where’s your mother, Wang Tao?

   B:  Oh, she’s in the supermarket, I think. She likes going shopping very much.

3  A:  What do you like?

   B:  I like playing the accordion. What do you like?

   A:  I like playing football very much.

4  A:  It’s sunny today. Let’s go and play basketball.

B:  I’m sorry. I don’t like playing basketball. I like taking photos. Let’s go and taking  photos. OK?

   A:  OK. Let’s go.

5  A:  Look! This is my new model plane.

   B:  Oh, it’s very nice. You like making model planes. Right?

   A:  Yes. Do you have any hobbies?

   B:  Yes, I do. I like keeping goldfish.

1. CD   2. B   3. BC   4. CD   5. CD

二、Listen and complete the sentences听录音,完成下列句子

1  This is my aunt. She likes going shopping.

2  This is my sister, Lucy. She likes collecting stamps.

3   Look at the old woman over there. She’s my grandmother. She can make pretty dresses for me.

4  The man in the jacket is my uncle. He likes playing table tennis.

5  Look, the boy is playing football. He’s my brother.

6  That is my grandfather. He likes keeping goldfish.

三、Read and find out whether the sound of underlined parts are same or not, write an S if they are same, write a D if they are different 判断下列每组单词中划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写“S” ,不相同的写“D”


四、Find out the answers in column B to the questions in column A 在B栏中找出A栏的答句

1. D  2. F   3. A  4. B   5. G  6. H   7. E  8. C

五、Read and judge whether the sentences according with the passage,

write a T if it does, write an F if it doesn’t  阅读短文,判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符,用“T”或“F”表

1. T  2. F   3.F   4.T  5. F

Intellectual work 智力题

一、Multiple choice 单项选择


二、Answer the questions回答问题

1.    The number 8.  2.   Husband and wife.  3.  In the dictionary.  

4.  A barber.      5.  AA制               6.  不告而别

7. 别泄露秘密    8. 试一下

Unit 4

一、Choose the word which contains the given sound you hear选出与所听单词含有相同元音的单词

1. not 2. site 3. get 4. home 5. morning

     (1. B  2. A  3. C  4. A   5. D)

Listen and judge whether the pictures accords with what you hear, write “√” if it does, write “×” if it doesn’t  判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符,用“”或“×”表示

1.    -What does Ben usually do on Sundays?  -He usually grows flowers.

2.  -Does Mike jump high?                 -Yes, he does.

3.  -Does Nancy run fast?               -Yes, she does.

4.  -What does Su Yang usually do?           -She often makes clothes.


三、Form complete sentences with the words  连词成句

1. Gao Shan studies English ct school.

2.    What does your mother do in the evening?

3.    Children are rowing in the lake.

4.    Does Kate dance beautifully?

5.    There two books for Mrs Green.

6.    Where does Wang Bing live?

Read the table and complete the sentences读表格并将句子补充完整

1.  goes, Monday, Friday

2.    does homework

3.    plays, Saturday, does homework

4.    usually read English

5.    usually goes to, Sunday evenings

6.    listen to, usually watches, Saturday evenings, listens to, Sunday evenings

五、Look at the picture and write a short passage看图,根据所给情景编写短文(不少于八句)



一、Translate the phrases 英汉互译

1. study hard 2. walk slowly 3. listen carefully 4. jump high 5. speak fast 6. read loudly 7. sleep early 8. laugh happily 9. turn around

10. clean tidily 11. shine brightly 12. sit quietly

二、Reading comprehension. Judge and answer the questions to the passage阅读理解,判断并回答问题

1.  No, it isn’t.

2.    It’s warm and hot.

3.    No, they can’t.

4.    Yes, they do.

三、Complete the word in the sentences according to the context and the given alphabet根据单词首字母和句子意思,将短文中的单词补充完整

friend, playing, taking, same hobbies, comes, studies, works, both

Unit 5 Review and check

Choose the word which contains the given sound you hear选出与所听单词含有相同元音的单词(8%)

1. room  2. see  3. cat  4. yellow  5. sweater  6.nurse 7. they

8. desk   (1.D 2. C 3. B 4.B 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. D)

Listen and judge whether the sentence accords with what you hear, write a T if it does, write an F if it doesn’t  判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符,用“T”或“F”表示(10%)

I’m a student in Jingling Primary School. I’m eleven. I’m in Class One, Grade Five. We have six lessons everyday, four in the morning and two in the afternoon. I like English very much. My good friend Zhang Lin likes Maths and Chinese. On Sundays I often do some housework at home. Sometimes I play table tennis with my friends.

(1.F  2.T  3. F 4. F 5.F )

Listen and complete the dialogue 听录音,完成下列对话(12%)

A: Hello!

B: Hello! It’s .

A: May I speak to Wang Bing?

B: Yes, it’s Wang Bing speaking. Who’s that?

A: That’s Lily. Shall we go climbing this afternoon?

B: Sorry, I can’t.

A: What’s wrong with you?

B: I’m ill. I’ve got a cold .

A: I’m sorry to hear that. How do you feel now?

B: I still feel ill.

A: Classes are over. I can get some fruit for you.

B: Thank you.

( it’s That’s wrong with  cold feel feel Classes get fruit)

Listen and Tick听录音,完成表格打“√” (听两遍10%)

  My name is Jim Smith, I’m an English boy. I’m eleven. Look, here’s a photo of my family. The man with glasses is my father. He is a teacher in China now. He likes taking photos. The woman in a brown dress is my mother. She is an office worker. On Sundays she likes cooking and growing flowers. Who is the pretty girl? Do you know? Yes, she is my sister Lisa. She can make clothes very well. The little boy in the photo is me. I’m four in this photo. I’m very thin in the photo, but I’m very strong now. I like swimming very much. We are very happy in China and we have many Chinese friends.







Mr Smith

Mrs Smith



Read and find out whether the sound of underlined parts are same or not, write an S if they are same, write a D if they are different判断下列每组单词中划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写“S”不相同的写“D”10%


Complete the sentences according to the Chinese根据句意填出所缺单词 (13%)

1. wrong number  2. What subjects study 3. speak loudly  4. collecting car stamps  5.playing yo-yos  classmates   6. Don’t draw wall 7. May copybook  for 8. likes keeping goldfish  likes growing flowers too

Multiple choice单项选择(10%)


There’s a mistake in each sentence, find it and then correct it in the blank 找出句中的一处错误并改正(6%)

1  A将lesson改成 lessons

2  D 将speak改成speaking

3  B 将 for 改成 to

4  D 将 hobbys改成hobbies

5   B将makeing改成making

6  A 将I’d like改成 I like

九、Complete the word in the passage according to the given alphabet and answer the questions 根据单词首字母和句子意思,将句中的单词补充完整并回答问题(20%)

(have, Chinese, Maths, English, Music, does, likes, Art, Many, drawing, PE, play, basketball, do, make, with)

1. Seven.

2. She likes Art and Computer Studies.

3. They like to play football and basketball after school.

4. She often does housework.

5. Yes, she does.

6. She makes model planes and cars with her classmates.

Unit 6 At a PE lesson

一、Listen and number 听录音,标号

1.    The boy is standing on his brother’s shoulders.

2.    The girl is touching the flowers with her mouth.

3.    Wow ! he can put the egg on his finger.

4.    Look, I can put a pineapple on my head.

5.    - Where’s my grape?  - Oh it’s on your mouth.

6.    The girl is sitting on her mother’s knee.

7.    The man can put a plate on his finger.

8.    Boys and girls. Lie on your back. Lift your left leg and touch it you’re your right hand.

9.    Touch your toes with your fingers.

10.  Touch your left knee with your left hand.

(4 7 3 9 2   5 6 8 10 1)

二、Listen and choose the word which belongs to the different category with the word you hear听录音,找出与所听单词不同类的词,将序号和单词写在横线上

1 A. stand     B. touch      C. jump        D. lesson

2 A. neck      B. shoulder      C. shoes       D. foot

3 A. listen       B. Music        C. PE        D. Art

4 A. duck     B. left         C. chicken     D. pig

5 A. fever    B. headache     C. feel        D. cough

6 A. apple        B. tired            C. grape           D. peach

7 A. hat          B. tooth            C. feet             D. glove

8 A. with         B. line             C. exercise         D. order

(1. D lesson  2. C shoes  3. A listen  4. B left  5. C feel  6. B tired

7. C feet   8. A with)

三、Read and find out whether the sound of underlined parts are same or not, write an S if they are same, write a D if they are different 判断下列每组单词中划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写“√” ,不相同的写“×”

(×√×  √××  ×√√)

四、 Multiple choice单项选择

(1. C  2. D  3. A  4. B  5. B  6. C  7. B  8. D  9. C 10. A)

五、Form complete sentences with the words  连词成句

1. Touch your toes with your fingers five times.

2. The students are having a PE lesson in the playground.

3. I am trying to follow the teacher’s order.

4. Do you fell tired after some exercise.

5. Can you put the plate on your finger?


一、Intellectual work 智力题


二、Reading comprehension. Answer the questions to the passage阅读理解,回答问题

1.    Toronto is in Canada.

2.    They can’t find their camera.

3.    The boss of the shop gives back the camera.

4.    No, he doesn’t.

5.    The boy in the picture.

6.    “ I find your camera.”

Unit 7 After school

一、Listen and circle the time what you hear 圈出你所听到的时间 

1     What time is it? It’s a quarter to ten.

2     What time is it? It’s twenty to five.

3     What’s the time?   It’s five past twelve.

4     What time is it? It’s five past five.

5     What’s the time?   It’s half past three.

(b c d a a)

二、 Listen and judge whether the sentences according with the passage you hear听录音,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,用“√”或“×”表示

Hello, I’m Liu Tao. I get up at a quarter past six in the morning. I have breakfast at twenty past seven. I go to school at twenty to eight. I have lunch at eleven forty-five. In the evening, I watch the news on TV at seven o’clock. I do my homework at half past seven. I go to bed at ten past ten. I’m really tired.


Complete the word in the sentences according to the context and the given alphabet根据句意及首字母提示,在横线上写出单词,补全句子

1. ready 2. quarter 3. washing, brushing teeth 4. quick 5. same 6. busy, rest

四、Reading comprehension. Answer the questions to the passage阅读理解,回答问题

1.    The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.

2.  She does the housework in the morning.

3.    The children come home from school early.

4.  They Go to bed at ten o’clock.

5.    Mrs Sawyer watches TV ct night.


一、There’s a mistake in each sentence, circle it and then correct it in the blank 圈出句中的一处错误并改正

(1. A, Do 2.A,What 3. C, D at twelve to eight 4. B, left hand 5. D, on Saturdays 6.C, to)

二、Find out the words contain the sound of the underlined parts in word “park” 找出含有与单词划线部分发音相同的音素词,填在横线上

(1.   army march past farmyard 2. half class pass 3. party half past

4. far farms large are 5. vase are father aunt classmate)

三、Try to translate the poem 将以下的诗歌译成中文

Money Isn’t Everything


钱可以买到房子  却买不到一个家

钱可以买到床   却买不到好的睡眠

钱可以买到钟   却买不到时间

钱可以买到书   却买不到知识

钱可以买到食物  却买不到好的胃口

钱可以买到权位  却买不到尊重

钱可以买到血   却买不到生命

钱可以买到药物  却买不到健康

钱可以买到保险  却买不到安全

Unit 8 At the weekends

Listen and choose the words and sentences what you hear 听录音,选出你所听到的内容

1  insect  2 every  3 firefly  4 ant  5 she

6   It’s half past five. You can go home.

7   Touch your right leg with your left hand.

8   Lucy has got a headache.


listen and tick听录音,在相应的表格中打“√”(听两遍)

It’s Friday afternoon. School is over. The students are talking about their weekends. Paul likes surfing the Internet. Because it is very interesting. He can learn a lot from it. Sometimes he plays basketball. Liu Tao likes playing basketball, too. He often listens to music. Lisa likes growing flowers at home. Sometimes she does housework at the weekends. Nancy and Helen often go to the park. They like playing on the swings. How do you spend your weekends?


Liu Tao




surf the Internet

listen to music

go to the park

growing flowers

do housework

play basketball

三、Look at the pictures and complete the dialogues 看图,完成下列对话

(1. English, butterfly, it, do   2. spend, take photos, look, here

3. keeping goldfish, don’t, What, making   4. hobbies, collecting stamps, about, growing flowers)

四、Complete the word in the sentences according to the context 根据对话意思,将句中的单词补充完整  

( weekends, park, catching, watching, very, does, listens, at,  too, Of course)


一、There’s a mistake in each sentence, circle it and then correct it in the blank 圈出句中的一处错误并改正

(1. D do  2. A likes 3. D her  4. C to 5. C the same 6. B a lot) 

二、Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words 请用所给单词的适当形式完成句子

 (1. has is from 2.are from 3.speak speaks 4.do spend 5. is raining Don’t Go 6. Is ready isn’t 7. has got 8. Is taking 9. likes watching watches 10. like playing play)

Unit 9 The English Club

一、Listen and judge whether the sentence accords with what you hear, write a T if it does, write an F if it doesn’t  判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符,用“√”或“×”表示

1     A:  Where are you from?

B:  I’m from France. Do you speak French?

A:  Yes, I do.

2     A:  Welcome to our country. Where are you from?

B:  I’m from Australia.

A:  Do you like China?

B:  Yes, I do.

3     A:  What’s your name?

B:  My name is Linda Read.

A:  Where are you from?

B:  I’m from the UK.

4     A:  Does he speak Chinese?

B:  No, he doesn’t speak Chinese.

A:  What does he speak?

B: He speaks Japanese. He is from Tokyo.

5     A:  Hello. I’m Mary. I’m a new student. I’m from the USA.

B: Welcome to our country.

6     A:  Excuse me, do you speak English?

B:  No, I don’t. I speak French. I’m from France.

(1. ×  2. √  3. √  4. ×  5. √  6. ×)

二、Listen and Tick听录音,完成表格打“√”


















catch insects






Zhang Li


Li Qi

I’m Smith White. I’m an English teacher. I’m from the UK. I speak English and French. I like climbing. This is my student, Martin. He’s from the USA. He speaks English and Chinese. He likes collecting stamps. He has a good friend. Her name is Li Qi. She’s a Chinese girl. She speaks Chinese and English. She likes catching insects.

三、Read and complete the dialogue 根据上下文完成对话

(This is ; Glad to meet you ;  Do ; come/am from ; Do speak ; Yes ; like; very much)

四、There’s a mistake in each sentence, circle it and then correct it in the blank 圈出句中的一处错误并改正

(1. D, France 2. C, visit 3. D, countries 4. B, swimming 5. C, at 6. C, She is)

五、Rewrite the sentences按要求改写下列句子



一、      Translate the abbreviations and match them 写出下列缩略词的汉语意思并连线

1.    联合国  United Kingdom

2.    光碟    Compact Disk

3.    美国    United States of America

4.    英国    United Kingdom

5.    体育    Physical Education

6.    世界贸易组织   World Trade Organization

7.    中国中央电视台    China Central Television


(1. A  2. B  3. B  4. A  5. A  6. B  7. C  8. C)

三、Reading comprehension. Judge and answer the questions to the passage阅读理解,判断并回答问题

1.     Twelve.

2.     They’re busy shopping and cleaning their houses. 

3.     They say “Happy New Year”. 

4.  Yes, they do.

Unit 10 Review and check

一、Listen and choose the word which belongs to the same category with the word you hear 听录音,选出与所听单词同类的词(12%)

1. lovely 2. basketball 3.. hand 4.loudly 5. maths 6. nurse 

(1.A  2.D 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B )

Listen and fill in the blanks 听录音,完成下列表格填序号(10%)

My name is Lily. I’m from the USA. I’m eleven. I’m in a primary school in Nanjing. I like Art very much. I like collecting stamps. I have many good friends. Look, this tall boy is Yan Li, he is a smart boy. We are about the same age. He likes swimming very much. He likes PE. The girl near the tree is May. She is British. She is pretty. She is only nine. What does she like ? Do you know? She likes Maths. She likes making clothes, too. But Li Tao doesn’t. He likes taking photos. Li Tao is twelve.

I go to school at seven ten every morning with May. And the two boys go to school at seven. I can learn a lot of Chinese from Li Tao and Yan Li. Li Tao can speak very good English. He likes English very much.






time for school







Li Tao












Yan Li






Listen and find out the word contains the sound you hear听录音,找出含有所听音素的单词(8%)

1. cake 2. much 3. clean 4. how 5. good 6. catch 7.mask 8. this

(1. B  2. B  3. D  4. A  5. D  6. B  7. A  8. C )

四、Translate the phrases 英汉互译(10%)

1.catch butterflies              2. come /be from America

3. study Chinese                  4. play chess

5. talk about their weekends         6. 没时间休息

7. 真的很累           8. 在晚上发光

9. 英语俱乐部          10. 爬山

五、Choose the correct words to complete the passage在括号中选择合适的词填空,完成短文(10%)

1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. B 10 . C

六、Complete the sentences according to the Chinese根据句意填出所缺单词 (20%)

1. How  feel         2. like catching

3. from from Australia      4. talking about hobbies

5. play cards join us        6. butterflies bees

7. watches                8. Touch knees hands 

七、Rearrange the sentences into a passage 重新排列下列句子组成短文(8%)











Reading comprehension. Complete the sentences and answer the questions to the passages阅读理解,填空并回答问题


1. friend’s 2. goes  five thirty 3. lot watch 4. clean past 5. a quarter to six


1. She is from the USA..

2. Mr Green teaches French and Mrs Green teaches English.

3. Two bikes.

4. No, they don’t.

5.Yes, they do.

单元检测(Unit 1-Unit 2)


一、Listen and judge whether the pictures accords with what you hear  判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符,用“√”或“×”表示(8%)

1.    A: What subject do you like? Do you like Chinese?

B: No, I don’t. I like Social Science.

2.    A: What lessons do you have on Friday?

B: Maths, English, Music and PE.

3.    A: Do you like computer Studies?

B: Yes. How about you?

A: I like Science.

4.    A: What’s wrong with you?

B: I’ve got a bad toothache.

5.    A: How do you feel now?

B: I feel hot. Give me a fan, please.

6.    A: I can get some medicine for you.

B: Thank you.

7.    A: Are you taking some medicine now?

B: Yes, I am.

8.  A: How does your grandpa fell ?

B: He feels better now.

(1.√ 2. × 3. × 4. √ 5.× 6. √ 7. × 8. ×)

二、Listen and choose the word which belongs to the different category with the word you hear听录音,找出与所听单词不同类的词,将序号和单词写在横线上(8%)

 A       B       C         D

1. Monday         morning        afternoon       evening

2. Art             Social          Maths          subject

3. two             first            four           twelve

4. you             we            her            they

5. tell              show          like            interesting

6. Tuesday          Thursday       today          Saturday

7. toothache        earache        bad           cough

8. bread           medicine    blanket         water

(1.   A Monday 2. D subject  3. B first  4. C her  5. D interesting 

6.  C today  7. C bad   8. C blanket)

三、Listen and fill in the blanks, then answer the questions听录音, 先填空再回答问题(14%)

Today is Wednesday. In Class 2, Grade 5, everyone is here. But David isn’t. He has got a bad cough. There are four lessons in the morning and one in the afternoon. When classes are over, Mike calls David. David feels better . He wants to know homework. So Mike will go to tell him, and get some fruit for him, too.

1. Wednesday.

2. He has got a bad cough.

3. Five

4. He will go to tell him homework and get some fruit for him.


三、Read and find out whether the sound of underlined parts are same or not, write if they are same, write× if they are different 判断下列每组单词中划线部分的发音是否相同, 相同打“√”,不同打“×”(9%)

(√×× ××√ √√√)

四、Rewrite the words according to the instructions 按要求写出下列单词(10%)

(1. does  2. class  3. those  4. cold  5. taking  6. she 

7. classes  8. parents’ 9. child  10. right)

五、Complete the words in the dialogue according to the context and the given alphabet 根据单词首字母和句子意思,将对话中的单词补充完整(15%)

( back; meet; new; term; Social Science; like; think; interesting; have; lesson; Monday; Friday; Who; teacher)

六、Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions 填入适当的介词(8%)

( 1. in 2. on 3. on 4. at 5. with 6. for 7. off. 8. of)

七、Translate the phrases 英汉互译(10%)

1. 第一节课      2.on Monday morning

3. 待在床上      4. after lunch

5. 吃药          6. get some fruit for you

7. 好些了        8. eight subjects

9. 多多休息      10. have a lesson/lessons

八、Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words 请用所给单词的适当形式完成句子(6%)

(1.   after supper 2. is absent 3. What’s wrong 4. have a rest 

5. a lot 6. are over)

九、Rewrite the sentences according to the instructions 按要求写出下列句子(5%)

1. He has not /doesn’t have Chinese, Maths, English and Art in the morning.

2.    Are there four English lessons in a week?

3.  I’m taking some medicine.

4.     He/She isn’t reading the book.

5.     What’s wrong with you?/What’s the matter with you?

十、Reading comprehension. Choose and judge to the passages阅读理解,选择并判断(7%)

A  (1. C 2. B 3. C)

B    (√×√√)

单元检测(Unit 3-Unit 4)


一、Listen and number 听录音,标号(12%)

1.Wang Gang is writing on the blackboard carefully.

2. Mrs Brown goes shopping every Saturdays.

3. My sister likes collecting stamps very much.

4. Her hobby is growing flowers.

5. The girl is running after the boy, but the boy runs fast.

6. Taking photos is Ben’s hobby.

7. Kate likes sitting quietly to think about something.

8. Aunt often makes clothes for me.

9. John is making model ships now.

10. He doesn’t like PE. He cannot jump very high.

11. The boy can’t dance, but his sister dances beautifully.

12. Liu Tao usually waters the flowers in the evening.

(2, 6, 5, 4, 11, 12,   10, 8, 1, 9, 7, 3)

Listen and complete the dialogue听录音,完成对话(12%)

1  A:  What do you usually do on Sundays ?

   B:  I usually read English and Chinese .

2  A:  What’s wrong with you?

   B:  I’ve got a headache.

3  A:  Do you have any hobbies?

   B:  Yes, I do . I like making clothes .

4  A:  What does your grandfather usually do on Thursdays?

B:  He usually walks fast.

三、Listen and judge whether the sentences according with the passage you hear听录音,判断正误(用“T”或“F”表示 6%)

This is Mary. She lives in the red house near the river. Her mother works in a hospital, and her father is a taxi-driver. Mary doesn’t like school, but she likes English lessons. After school she plays tennis with her sister. She likes eating ice-cream.



三、Find out the words which contain the same sound在句子中找出含有相同发音的单词写在横线上(8%)

1. excuse; student; music; computer

2. meet; three; beach; tree

3. mother; love; uncle’ son

4. doctor; hot; coffee; office

四、Look and complete the dialogues 看图,完成对话(16%)

1.   takes photos; taking photos

2.   doesn’t ;making clothes

3. Does ; running ; does ; runs ; fast

4. What; doing; dancing; dances

五、There’s a mistake in each sentence, find out and correct them找出句中的一处错误并改正(12%)

(1. C the same 2. B likes  3. B do 4. B lessons 5. B speak 6. D for)

六、Form complete sentences with the words  连词成句(10%)

1.    Do you have any hobbies?

2.    She likes cooking, I think.

3.    Sometimes I water the trees and flowers.

4.    What does your mother do in the evening?

5.    Where does Wang Bing live?

七、Complete the sentences with the proper forms用适当的形式填空(12%)

(1.   sitting quietly  2. Listen carefully  3. from to  4. very much 

5. watches TV  6. grows flowers)

八、Reading comprehension. Judge and answer the questions to the passage阅读理解,判断并回答问题(12%)

A (×√×√ √×√×)


1.   He’s collecting Chinese stamps.

2.   Yes, they do.

3.   Paul likes.

4.   He has three.

单元检测(Unit 6 - Unit 7)

一、 Listen and judge whether the pictures accords with what you hear判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符,用“”或“×”表示(8%)

1 Put your right hand on your head.

2     Put your feet together and bend your knees.

3     It’s ten to one. Let’s play table tennis.

4     Sam goes to school on foot at eight.

5   Classes begin at a quarter past eight.

6 Don’t watch TV now. Time to clean your bedroom.

7      Touch your right foot with your left hand.

8      Put your hands on your head and turn left and right.

(×√×√    ×××√)

二、Listen and complete the passage 听录音,完成短文(14%)

Boys and girls, stand in a line, please. Let’s do some exercise. Now, listen carefully. Put your hands on your head and turn left and right. Now, lie on your back. Lift up your left leg and touch it with your right hand. Do this ten times. OK. Stop. Let’s have a rest.

三、Listen and judge whether the sentences according with the passage you hear听录音,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示(5%)

Hello, I’m Wang Ning. I get up at half past six in the morning. I have breakfast at ten past seven. I go to school at twenty to eight. I have lunch at twelve. In the evening, I do my homework at half past seven. I have no time to watch TV. I go to bed at ten past ten. I’m really tired.


四、Read and find out whether the sound of underlined parts are same or not, write an S if they are same, write a D if they are different 判断下列每组单词中划线部分的发音是否相同,用“√”或“×”表示6%

(√××  ×√×)

五、Rearrange the sentences into a dialogue 重新排列下列句子(8%)

(1. cbad 2.cadb 3. dabc 4. adbc)

六、Look and complete the dialogues 看图,完成对话 (15%)

1.    put , egg , can’t, What, on

2.    Listen, Put, hands, head, times, right

3.    back, Touch, toes, with

七、Rewrite the words according to the instructions 按要求写出下列单词(8%)

(1. tries  2. everyone 3. down 4. right 5.lying 6. they 7. careful

 8. students’)

八、Find out the answers in column B to the questions in column A 在B栏中找出A栏的答句(8%)


九、Complete the sentences with the proper forms用适当的形式填空12%                 

1.    jumping; jump; jumps            2. having; has; have

3.  is; am; be                    4. orders; order; orders

十、Circle the mistakes and then correct them 圈出句中的一到两处错误并改正(10%)

(1. in改成on  2. orders to 3. plays 4. has;ears 5. feet 去掉for)

十一、Reading comprehension. Answer the questions to the passages阅读理解,并回答问题(6%)

(1. On foot. 2. No, he isn’t.  3. No, he doesn’t.  4. Seven 5. Because Billy puts ink on his teacher’s chair. 6. He goes home at about four o’clock.)

单元检测(Unit 8-Unit 9)

一、Listen and choose the missing words and phrases what you hear听录音,选出所缺部分并将序号填入括号内(10%)

1. I often go to the supermarket on Saturdays.

2. We want to play cards Do you want to join us?

3.  —What’s wrong with you?

— I’ve got a headache .

4. She has nine subjects this term.

5. Sometimes we catch crickets in the park.

6. Are you ready for games, Lucy?

7.  —What subjects do you like?

— I like Science and PE.

8. There’s a volleyball match at a quarter to four .

9. He often watches cartoons with me.

10. Mrs Smith is an office worker, she is from Japan.

(1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A)

二、Listen and judge whether the pictures accords with what you hear判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符,用“√”或“×”表示(10%)

1.  A: What does Yang Ling often do on Saturday morning?

    B: She often waters the flowers.

2.  A: Does Su Yang grow flowers on Sundays?

B: No, she catches insects.

3.  A: How does David spend his weekends?

    B: He usually goes to the cinema.

4.  A: Does Liu Tao wash clothes or draw pictures on Sunday afternoon?

B: He draws pictures.

5.  A: What does your under usually do?

B: He usually plays cards with me?


三、Listen and judge whether the sentence accords with what you hear, write a T if it does, write an F if it doesn’t  判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符,用“”或“×”表示(10%)

My name is May, I’m from the USA. I’m in China now. My father works here now. He’s an English teacher in No.1 Middle School. My mother is an office worker. But she likes cooking very much. My father doesn’t like cooking at all. I’m in Ying Hua Primary School. I have many Chinese friends. I like playing volleyball with them. I can speak a little Chinese with my friends. My parents can speak Chinese very well. We like Chinese food and clothes. We are very happy in China.

(×√×√×   √√××√)

四、There are four underlined words in each group, read and try to find out that how many pronunciations判断下列每组单词中划线部分有几种发音,一种写A,两种写B,三种写C,四种写D(10%)

(1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B)

五、There’s a mistake in each sentence, find it and then correct it in the blank 找出句中的一处错误并改正(12%)

1.  B cleans改成 clean

2. B   is改成 are

3. C  All the student改成 All the students

4. D  to改成 for

5.  A   come改成 comes

6.  A  that改成 the/those

六、Make sentences according to the given words用所给的词造句(12%)


七、Complete the word in the sentences according to the context and the given alphabet 根据单词首字母和句子意思,将句中的单词补充完整(10%)

1. teaches 2. are 3. French 4. talk 5. go 6. Does 7. visit 8. Nancy’s 9. singing 10. climbing

八、Find out the answers in column B to the questions in column A 在B栏中找出A栏的答句(10%)

(1 J  2 G 3 A  4 B 5 H 6 I  7 D 8 E 9 F  10 C)

九、Complete the word in the passage according to the context and the given alphabet, then answer the questions 根据单词首字母和句子意思,将句中的单词补充完整,并回答问题(16%)

(classmate, lives, American, France, English, does, growing, after, learns, him, school)

1.    She is from France.

2.    Yes, he does.

3.    He works in a middle school.

4.    She likes growing flower.

5.    Yes, you do.