
2014-5-11 0:21:41 下载本试卷

单元检测(Unit 8-Unit 9)


一、Listen and choose the missing words and phrases what you hear听录音,选出所缺部分并将序号填入括号内(10%)

(   ) 1. I often go to the ______ on Saturdays.

A. zoo           B. supermarket  C. park         D. cinema

(   ) 2. We want to _______. Do you want to join us?

A. play football    B. read English     C. watch TV    D. play cards

(   ) 3. —What’s wrong with you? —I’ve got ______.

  A. a headache     B. an earache     C. a cold        D. a fever

(   ) 4. She has ______ subjects this term.

A. eight         B. six            C. nine         D. seven

(   ) 5. Sometimes we catch ______ in the park.

A. ants          B. crickets        C. bees        D. cicadas

(   ) 6. Are you ready for ______, Lucy?

A. lunch          B. homework      C. games       D. PE lesson

(   ) 7. —What subjects do you like? — I like ______.

A. Maths and PE                   B. English and Art          C. Science and PE                 D. Music and Art

(   ) 8. There’s a volleyball match at ______.

A. a quarter past four               B. a quarter to four         C. half past four                   D. four twenty

(   ) 9. He often ______ with me..

A. listens to music                 B. goes home         

C. watches cartoons               D. does housework

(   )10. Mrs Smith is _______, she is from ______.

    A. an office worker, Japan        B. an office worker, the USA

C. a nurse, Japan                  D. a nurse, the USA

二、Listen and judge whether the pictures accords with what you hear判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符,用“”或“×”表示(10%)











 (  )     (  )     (  )     (  )    (  )

三、Listen and judge whether the sentence accords with what you hear, write a T if it does, write an F if it doesn’t  判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符,用“”或“×”表示(10%)

1. May lives in the USA now.                (  )

2. May’s father is an English teacher.              (  )

3. May’s mother is a housewife.               (  )

4. May’s mother likes cooking.                   (  )

5. May is a student in No.1 Middle School             (  )

6. May has many Chinese friends.                  (  )

7. May’s parents can speak Chinese.            (  )

8. May likes playing football with her Chinese friends.  (  )

9. May can’t speak Chinese.                        (  )

10.May and her family like China very much.         (  )


四、There are four underlined words in each group, read and try to find out that how many pronunciations there are判断下列每组单词中划线部分有几种发音,一种写A,两种写B,三种写C,四种写D(10%)

(   ) 1. A. monkey      B. so           C. clock        D. collect

(   ) 2. A. climb        B. pig          C. English       D. insect

(   ) 3. A. keep         B. meet        C. bee         D. green

(   ) 4. A. bus          B. student       C. umbrella      D. put

(   ) 5. A. back         B. after         C. watch       D. take

(   ) 6. A. thirteen       B. think        C. the          D. clothes

(   ) 7. A. great         B. teacher       C. please        D. sweater

(   ) 8. A. why          B. my          C. sorry        D. quietly

(   ) 9. A. how         B. now         C. draw        D. yellow

(   )10. A. parent       B. dear         C. pear         D. ear

五、There’s a mistake in each sentence, find it and then correct it in the blank 找出句中的一处错误并改正(12%)

(  )1. She can cleans the library every afternoon .               _________

   A  B   C   D

(  )2..What is you doing? I’m making a puppet.               _________

      A   B  C  D

(  )3. All the student are having an English lesson.            _________

       A   B  C    D

(  )4. Is it time to school?                                 _________

   A B C D

(  )5. May come from France, she is French                   _________

      A  B   C     D

(  )6. That nice fireflies glow at night.                     _________

    A  B     C   D

六、Make sentences according to the given words用所给的词造句(12%)

1. is from    ____________________________________________________

2. want to   ____________________________________________________

3. I’d like to ____________________________________________________

4. talk to ____________________________________________________

5. learn…from __________________________________________________

6. go around ____________________________________________________

七、Complete the sentences with the proper forms 用适当的形式填空(10%)

1. Mr Black ________(teach) Maths in a middle school.

2. These students ________(be) from Class Five.

3. Wei Fang studies ________ (France) well.

4. Don’t ­­­­­­­(talk) ________ to the stranger(陌生人).

5. We’d like to ________ (go ) home together.

6. ________ (do) Wang Lin have an American friend?

7. Some foreigners (外国人) _______ (visit) our school today.

8. This old man is ________ (Nancy) grandpa.

9. She is ________(sing) for them.

10. I like ________ (climb)with my classmates.

八、Find out the answers in column B to the questions in column A 在B栏中找出A栏的答句(10%)

         A                  B

(  ) 1. Do you like singing?                A. I’ve got a fever.

(  ) 2. What day is it today?               B. Yes, I can. Look!

(  ) 3. What’s the mater?                 C. Yes, it is.

(   ) 4. Can you put an egg on your head?  D. I often go to the zoo.

(  ) 5. What time is it?                   E. I’m from Hong Kong.

(  ) 6. Are you free now?                 F. Yes, she is.

(  ) 7. How do you spend your week?     G. It’s Wednesday.

(  ) 8. Where are you from?         H. It’s half past nine.

(  ) 9. Is she from Japan?           I. No, I’m busy.

(  )10. Is it time for class?          J. Yes, I do.

九、Complete the word in the passage according to the context and the given alphabet, then answer the questions 根据单词首字母和句子意思,将句中的单词补充完整,并回答问题(16%)

Jim is my c______. He l______ in China now, but he is from the USA. His father is A______ and his mother is F______. They speak English and French. Jack’s father likes teaching. He teaches E______ in a middle school. Jim’s mother d______ not work. She is a housewife. She does all the cleaning and cooking. She likes g______ flowers, too. She looks a______ the flowers carefully every day. Jim likes Chinese very much. He l______ Chinese from me and I learn English from h______. We go to s______ and go home together. We are good friends.

1. Where is Jim’s mother from?


2. Does his father come from the USA?


3. Where does Jim’s father work now?


4. What does Jim’s mother like?


5. Do we go home together?
