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Unit 4 An English friend

本单元的学习内容主要是围绕“谈论某人日常生活”为主题展开的,通过本单元的学习,同学们应该牢固掌握和灵活运用Does she/he…?“What does she/he…?”以及它们的应答,它会为你了解他人的日常生活提供帮助。


四会词汇:an e-mail, English, busy, a town, age, usually, well, fast, high

三会词汇:beautifully, exercise, internet, London, loudly, quietly, strong

四会句型:Does he/she…?

Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn’t.

What does he/she usually do…?

He/She usually…

语音:     了解元音字母u在单词中的读音


1. 在一般现在时中,行为动词与he, she, it等第三人称单数的搭配时须在行为动词后加s或es,我们来看例句:

-He likes English very much.                  他非常喜欢英语。

-She usually goes to school at seven o’clock. 她通常7:00去上学。

-The cat runs fast.                         猫跑得很快。

2. 将句子变为一般疑问句时要借助于助动词does来帮忙,此时行为动词要用动词原形,如:

-Does he like English very much?              他很喜欢英语吗?

-Yes, he does.                            是的,他很喜欢。

-Does she usually go home at five?         她通常五点回家吗?

-No, she doesn’t.                          不,她不是。

-Does it run fast?                       它跑得很快吗?

-Yes, it does.                             是的,它跑得很快。

3. 第三人称单数的特殊疑问句是在一般疑问句的基础上,再于句首加上特殊疑问词, 如:

-What subject does her brother like?           他哥哥喜欢什么科目?

-He likes Chinese.                         他喜欢语文。

-Where does Bill live?                      比尔住在哪?

-He lives in a small town.                 他住在一个小镇上。



一、Choose the word which contains the given sound you hear选出与所听单词含有相同元音的单词

(   )

(   )

(   )

(   )

(   )

1  A. name

2  A. light

3  A. excuse

4  A. yellow

5  A. key 

B. watch

B. sit 

B. children

B. floor

B. apple

C. cat

C. sorry 

C. telescope

C. afternoon

C. on

D. dance

D. chicken

D. can’t

D. how

D. horse

Listen and judge whether the pictures accords with what you hear, write “√” if it does, write “×” if it doesn’t  判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符,用“”或“×”表示

P34- 图4




P33- 图1


5B-p34图 1

        2        3             

  1.(  )     2.(  )     3.(  )     4.(  )


三、Form complete sentences with the words  连词成句

1. at, studies, Gao Shan, school, English(.)


2. Does, the, do, what, your, evening, in, mother(?)


3. rowing, lake, children, in, are, the(?)


4. dance, beautifully, Kate does(?)


5. books, are, for, two, there, Mrs Green(?)


6. live, Wang Bing, does, Where(?)


Read the table and complete the sentences读表格并将句子补充完整

Monday to Friday




go to school

Play the violin

read English stories


go to school

do homework

play football


do homework

watch TV

go to the supermarket

listen to music

1. He ________ to school from ________ to ________.

2. He usually ________ ________ in the evenings from Monday to Friday.

3. He ________ the violin on ________ mornings and ________ ________ on Saturday afternoons.

4. What does he do on Sunday mornings?

  He ________ ________ ________ stories.

5. When(什么时候) does he usually go to the supermarket?

  He ________ ________ ________ the supermarket on ________ ________.

6. When does he usually watch TV and ________ ________ music ?

 He ________ ________ TV on ________ ________ and ________ ________ music on ________ ________.

五、Look at the picture and write a short passage看图,根据所给情景编写短文(不少于八句)

5B-P26 Su Hai一家人的图









一、Translate the phrases 英汉互译

1. 努力学习________________         2. 慢慢走 ________________

3. 仔细听  ________________         4. 跳的高 ________________

5. 说的快  ________________         6. 大声朗读_______________

7. 早早睡觉________________         8. 幸福地笑_______________

9. 立即转身________________         10.收拾整洁_______________

11. 照得亮 ________________         12.静静地坐_______________

二、Reading comprehension. Judge and answer the questions to the passage阅读理解,判断并回答问题

  China is a big country. The weather in the south is quite different from in the north . Shanghai is a beautiful city of China. In the city, the spring is warm, the summer is hot , the winter is cold. But in the south of China, it is always warm and hot. For example Hong Kong, Guangzhou and so on. People like to swim at the beach. They never see snow in winter. In the north of China, people can make snowman and play with snowballs. People like to spend their holidays in the south of China in winter.(冬天), and in the north of China in summer.(夏天)

1.    Is the weather in the south of China cold?


2.  What’s the weather like in Hong Kong?


3.    Can people see snow in Guangzhou in winter?


4.  Do People like to spend their holidays in the south of China in winter?


三、Complete the word in the sentences according to the context and the given alphabet根据单词首字母和句子意思,将短文中的单词补充完整

Jack is my good f________. He is f America. He likes p________ basketball and t________ photos. We have the s________ h________.

    He c________ to China to s________ Chinese. His father w________ in Beijing. They b________ like China.