
2014-5-11 0:21:42 下载本试卷

小五英语 期末测试






( )1.A. size   B. sit   C. side   D. six

( )2.A. lesson  B. listen C. like   D. let

( )3.A. look   B. clock  C. luck   D. book

( )4.A. hot   B. got   C. not   D. lot

( )5.A. bit   B. big   C. bag   D. best



( )1.A.It's Tom's.       B.It's my mother's       C.It's my brother's.

( )2.A.It's Sunday.      B.It's warm.          C.It's big and new.

( )3.A.It's Wednesday     B.It's windy          C.It's mine.

( )4.A.She's an engineer.   B.He's a bus driver.     C.Mr Green is a doctor.

( )5.A.He can swim very well.    B.I can sing English songs.

   C.She can draw a horse.



( )1.What is your bike like? It's new.

         A   B        C

( )2.Mr Brown is our English teacher.

      A     B    C

( )3.We have English, Chinese and maths this afternoon.

         A     B     C

( )4.I'm going to the museum this Sunday.

    A          B    C

( )5.Tom can use a computer very well.

    A  B     C



( )1.   are you going?              A.When   B.Where   C.Whose

( )2.We have English   Monday and Thursday.   A.on     B.in    C.at

( )3.I want to   a coat.             A.read    B.buy    C.play

( )4.Whose   are these?             A.jacket   B.dress  C.coats




( )1. A. about  B. now  C. know

( )2. A. early  B. hear  C. bear

( )3. A. tree  B. three  C. train

( )4. A. watch  B. after  C. garden

( )5. A. teacher  B. weather  C. speak

( )6. A. bright  B. like  C. night


  1. My aunt is a g d d ct .

  2. How m ch is this v st? It's tw nty yuan.

  3. What d es his m ther d ? She's a s nger.

  4. What's the w ther like n Hong Kong?   It's a s nny.


  1、踢足球    A. the Summer Palace

  2、颐和园    B. go to school

  3、音乐厅    C. play the piano

   4、上学     D. music hall

  5、弹钢琴    E. play football

答案:1.E   2.A  3.D  4.B   5.C


  winter, sweater, the Summer Palace, engineer, skirt, shop, autumn, blouse, singer, spring, policeman, post office

   1、衣物        2、职业     

   3、季节        4、场所      

1. sweater, skirt, blouse

  2. engineer, singer, policeman

  3. winter, autumn, spring

  4. the Summer Palace, shop, post office


( )1. This letter is    .  A. Jack  B. Jack's  C. he

( )2. Where is he   ?   A. going  B. doing  C.go

( )3. What's wrong   your camera?   A. on  B. in  C. with 

( )4. Can Mary   Chinese?  A. speak  B. speaks  C. speaking

( )5. What   Tom's father do?   A. do  B. does  C. doing


( )1. A:Hi, Li Ming.

     Is this pencil yours?

    B:No, it's not mine.

    A:Maybe it's Wang Fang's.

    B:May they're Tom's.

    C:Maybe it's Mike.

2. A:Is your mother a teacher?

    B:No, she isn't.

    A: .

    B:She is a nurse.

    A:Who's she?

    B:What does she do?

    C:Is she a worker?





一、1.size(A)   2.listen(B)  3.luck(C)   4.lot(D)  5.bit(A)

二、1.Whose dress is it?(B)

  2.What's the weather like in Beijing?(B)

  3.What day is it?(A)

  4.What does your mother do?(A)

  5.What can you do?(B)

三、1.What is your bike like?It's black and old.(C)

  2.Mrs Brown is our English teacher.(A)

  3.We have English,music and maths this afternoon.(B)

  4.He's going to the museum this Sunday.(A)

  5.Tom can ride a bike very well.(C)

四、1.Where are you going?(B)

  2.We have English on Monday and Thursday.(A)

  3.I want to buy a coat.(B)

  4.Whose coats are these?(C)



一、1.×  2.×   3.×  4.×  5.×   6.√

二、1. oo, o, or  2. u, e, e  3. o, o, o, i  4. ea, i, u

五、1.B  2.A   3.C  4.A  5.B

六、1.A  2.B