
2014-5-11 0:21:42 下载本试卷


一、   听力测试。

A.  把你听到的那组字母或单词的序号写在题前括号内。(如把字母或单词写在括号内不扣分)(听两遍)(10%)

( )1. A. BD      B. DB      C. BP

( )2. A. HA      B. HK      C. KA

( )3. A. Il      B. lI      C. AI

( )4. A. CA      B. SC      C. AC

( )5. A. air      B. iar      C. alr

( )6. A. dad      B. bed      C. and

( )7. A. look     B. good      C. book

( )8. A. black    B. bike      C. bag

( )9. A. Lesson 2   B. Lesson 12    C. Lesson 20

( )10. A. Miss    B. nice      C. class

B.   把你听到的句子的序号写在题前括号内。(听两遍)(5%)

( )1. A. What is this in English?

B.   What is that in English?

C.  What colour is it?

  ( )2. A. Good morning, class.

B.   Good afternoon, class.

C.  Good evening, class.

( )3. A. It’s a brown and green toy. 

B.   It’s a green and brown toy.

C.  It’s a green and black toy.

  ( )4. A. Is that your English book?

B. Is this your English book?

   C. Is this my English book?

( )5. A. Can you see a car?

B. Can you spell “car”?

C. Can you clean the car?


 ( )   ( )   ( )   ( )    ( )


( ) 1. A. Fine, thanks.   B. How are you?    C. Yes.
( ) 2. A. This is my pen.  B. It’s a pen.      C. Yes, it is.
( ) 1. A. I’m fine, and you? B. This is Lin Tao.  C. I’m Lin Tao. ( ) 1. A. It’s my green chair. B. It’s orange. C. It’s nice.      ( ) 1. A. Yes, I can.    B. All right.      C. Yes, it is.   E.根据你听到的内容,完成对话,每格一词,缩略算一词。(听一遍)

A: Look at the______, Li Lei.

B: Oh, how nice!

A: What’s _______ in English?

B: It’s a_______.

A: Is this ______?

B: _________, it _______.

A: Can you see that toy ________?

B: Yes, I can.

A:What ________is it?

B: It’s ________ and_________.

A.   写出下列字母的左邻右舍。(5%)

1.  R   2.  J   3.  G   4.  c   5.  l

B. 根据读音归类,把各类中所却缺少的字母填入表格。(只写大写形式)(5%)   









二、   语音。(5%)

( ) 1. A. green      B. bed     C. meet

( ) 2. A. nice      B. fine     C. this

( ) 3. A. clean      B. night    C. morning

( ) 4. A. can      B. name     C. that

( ) 5. A. box      B. go      C. Tom

B.    判断下列各组单词中划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的打“√ ”,不同的打“× ”。(2.5%)

(  )


(  )


(  )

1.  mum      2.  dad      3.  night

(  )

bus         stand        bag   

(  )


(  )

4.  boy       5  too
toy        look



 1.br _ _n (  )   2. b _ _d (  )   3. cl _ _sroom (  )

 4. d _ _r (  )    5. yell _ _ (  )  6. wind _ _ (  )

7. yo _ _ (  )    8. b _ k _ (  )   9. m _ (  )

10. pen _ _ _ (  )

C.   选择缩略词的正确汉语意思,把序号写在括号中。(5%)

UN     UK    USA    CD    CCTV

1.(  )   2.(  )  3.(  )   4.(  )   6.(  )
英国    美国   联合国  中央电视台  光盘

1.用英语 _____ ________    2.一只玩具狗______ toy ______

3. have a seat ____________    4. my favourite colour _________

5. go to the zoo ___________



(  )1. ______ a nice sharpener.

A. This     B. This is     C. This’s

(  )2. ______ spell it? Yes, I can.

      A. Can    B. Are you    C. Can you

(  )3. What’s your name? __________.

A.  It’s Jiang Hong. B. This is Jiang Hong. C. I’m Jiang Hong.

(  )4. Look ______ the animals.

A. in    B. at       C. to

(  )5. My bike is _______.

A. black   B. a black    C. a green and grey

(  )6. ______is your favourite colour?

A. What   B.What’s    C. What colour

(  )7. Clean the desks and chairs, boys and girls. _________.

A.  That’s right.  B. That’s all right. C. All right.

(  )8. Can you see the playhouse over there? Yes,_______.

A. I am    B. I can    C. you are

(  )9. That’s ______my new purple pen.

A. a     B./     C. is

(  )10. _______, is this your bed?

A. Excuse me  B. See you  C. Thank you


(  )1.晚上睡觉前和父母晚安,说:

A.  Goodbye, Mum and Dad.  B. Good evening, Mum and Dad.

B.   Good night, Mum and Dad.

(  )2.你想知道对方能否拼某个单词,你问:

      A. What’s this?  B. What’s it?  C. Can you spell it?

(  )3.要值日生把教室打扫干净,你说:

A.  Clean the classroom, please. B. Clean the chair, please.

B.   Come and clean it, please.

(  )4.你想知道对方身体怎么样,说:

A. Have a seat.  B. How are you?  C. How nice!

(  )5.想证实这是否是对方的猫,你问:

A. Is this your cat?  B. What’s this? C. Is that a cat?


    Ⅰ                      Ⅱ

(  )1. Nice to meet you.       A. No, it isn’t.

(  )2. Look at this sharpener.     B. It’s brown.

(  )3. What’s that in English?     C. Oh, how nice.

(  )4. Is this your toy car?       D. Nice to meet you, too.

(  )5. What colour is your bag?    E. It’s a pen.

         Ⅰ                  Ⅱ

(  )1. Let’s clean the desks.      A. Thanks.

(  )2. Can you see the animals?    B. Yes, it is.

(  )3. Sit down, please.        C. Ok.

(  )4. Good morning, class.       D. Yes, I can.

(  )5. Is that a nice zoo?       E. Good morning, Miss Ding.